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article by Andrea Bottaro Rhetts , Chris Apr 23, 2008
It sometimes mystifies me that in refuting the "Darwin influence" on Hitler and the Nazis, writers ignore so much of the historical context. Hitler came of age in a culture which had a long history of anti-semitism based on
Christian teachings. It can easily be demonstrated that many of Luther's writings had a far greater influence on the formation of Hitler's views than those of Darwin, not just because of the writings themselves but also
by their influence on his culture. Does that make Luther, the virtual founder of the modern evangelical church, more or less responsible for the holocost than Darwin? The point is mote, since Hitler was in any case a madman. But as long as people like Ben Stein are going to attack Darwin by a superficial connection to the Nazis, why not throw the ball in his court and see how well he defends Luther?
Related Articles: Look, ma! I can quote-mine historians too!