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Yin and Yang of Kenneth Miller Gourant, Alan Nov 03, 2002
Pehnec is certainly entitled to his opinion and is free to conclude that Rossow's review of Miller's book is without merit. Whether such an opinion sounds convincing to others, is a different story.

To those familiar with Millers' book and Rossow's review of it Pehnec's brief rebuttal of Rossow's review creates an impression that Pehnec either did not read Miller's book with a sufficient attention or that he did not read Rossow's review beyond the summary he quotes. If Miller limited his discourse (in what Rossow labeled the "yin" part of Miller's book) only to the assertion that science does not either prove or disprove the existence of a deity, this would hardly invoke controversy. Indeed, from Rossow's review it is clear that he shares such an opinion. However, contrary to Pehnec's contention, Miller actually maintains that science is "the best friend of religion" and suggests a series of arguments (whose feebleness has been discussed by Rossow) in favor of that position which, in particular, can be succinctly expressed as the assertion that the evolution theory supports religious beliefs (and specifically Miller's Christian worldview). To pretend that Miller did not say what he actually said in a quite explicit way would mean hiding the truth for the sake of a certain agenda. However brilliant Millers' book in many respects is (and Rossow gives ample credit where it is due) its weak points should not be concealed just because the book deserves acclaim in other respects. Rossow is absolutely correct in pointing to the "science supports religious faith" thesis in Miller's book - a thesis which has been offered by Miller in a quite unequivocal terms. Pehnec may disagree with Rossow's view on that subject, but to deny that Miller maintains the described position means closing eyes to facts. It looks like it is Pehnec rather than Rossow who, at least partially, fights in this case a straw man.
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